
ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK -You enter all facilities and properties at your own risk; we are not responsible for any athletes or spectators. It is your responsibility to be “heads up.” Non-participants will not be allowed to be in any of the cages, touch/play with any equipment, running around, or unsupervised. It is required you follow all safety rules; failure to follow any rules will result in loss of participation. All players are expected to bring and wear all safety equipment. 

WAIVER - All athletes and those who accompany them in lessons must fill out an online waiver. You will NOT be allowed to participate without its completion. **Only one per year is required (Sept 1-Aug 31). https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/52a7586556e6e/web/ 

UPDATES/INCLEMENT WEATHER - All updates/cancellations will be emailed to you from 5starathletics@gmail.com. Feel free to call/text Jill at 301-440-3907 or Office Manager EK at 240-486-6957. A credit to your account will be posted for any canceled sessions due to unforeseen events.   

ATTIRE - Athletic attire is required. You are responsible for all of your own equipment, we do not have extra; IE: bat, helmet, glove, etc. Please bring 2 pairs of shoes, one to train in for the turf and one to walk into the building with. This includes catchers!

PITCHERS - You need to bring your own catcher. It is recommended all catchers wear a catchers' mask. *Anyone under 18 is required to be in full gear. All catchers need to fill out an online waiver. **There will be times no catcher is required. Feel free to ask your instructor what the catchers' needs are that day.

COVID19 PROTOCOL By reading this and showing up to lessons you accept all responsibilities and risks associated with COVID, exercise, and lessons. 

POTENTIAL EXPOSURE - Please DO NOT come to any of our facilities if you answer YES to any of the following questions without a vaccination: Experienced any flu-like symptoms, with or without fever in the last 14 days? Been exposed to or around anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

COVID test may be required in order for you to return to your scheduled lessons.

Please DO NOT come to any of our facilities if you answer YES to any of the following questions: Have you been out of the country in the last 14 days? Experienced any flu-like symptoms, with or without fever in the last 14 days? Been exposed to or around anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

FOR YOUR SAFETY - Masks will be required indoors at all times and may be required outdoors depending on the distance available. All athletes and coaches will be required to sanitize their hands upon entry. All indoor surfaces are disinfected regularly. Proper Ventilation with fans will be maintained; doors will be open whenever possible. *Summer Months we will not keep doors open. Remember, all of our clinics, lessons, facilities, properties, fields, cages, or permitted sites are enter/participate at your own risk. 

INDOOR LESSON POLICIES - One person in, one person out. Be prepared at your scheduled time and wait for your instructor to come to get you from the parking lot. Only bring in the equipment you need for your specific lesson, leave all bags in the car. We will provide all balls needed. Wear tennis or turf shoes; no cleats allowed. Please clean or change your shoes prior to entering. Masks are required for EVERYONE who is indoors at all times. As soon as you enter the building please sanitize your hands. Take a peek at the board and enter the cage you are working out in.

PARTICIPANTS - ONLY the Athlete, one parent, and one catcher, if applicable, will be allowed in the building during each lesson. *Everyone else should remain outside.

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